Things that i choose to make public..
footnote's Articles In Life Journals
December 2, 2004 by footnote
well its been a while, the reason being that shock of shocks i`ve been busy with work. tuesday after work (8pm) i went to simons in bristol. then on wednesday morning we loaded the van and drove his gear to london!! yep, him and claire his missus have moved to london, the big smoke. he has a nice job there earning £400 a day ($600 a day ish) so hes doing ok. nice flat but still amazed by the mentalists that can be found in our great capital. the flat kept me amused with the video displa...
November 25, 2004 by footnote
well tuesday night was odd, i had a bit of a breakdown. i spent ages sobbing my heart out. work has gotten so bad that it reduced me to tears, i feel incredibaly depressed and fail to see how work can improve. thank heavens i had wednesday off, all i did was sleep, whilst asleep the worries of the world are kept at bay. today being thursday was as bad, my regional manager gave me a bollocking because i had my day off!!! twat. i have registered on the net with a few places to look for...
November 23, 2004 by footnote
hello, sorry not been here much, been way busy and úber tired. simon came over on saturday (bristol friend) and much food and beer and merriment was had. today our new manager made sure he gave his keys to hugh just incase he was late in tomorrow? and then made sure he had my mobile number, then took his breifcase home, all of which are unusual.. then tonight he calls me on my mobile to say he has had a minor car crash, hope he has not, many staff are suspicious, the feeling is that he has...
November 19, 2004 by footnote
today was worse, seriously considering another job.. too tired to say anything else, work tomorrow again.
November 18, 2004 by footnote
today i mostly had a good day at work that became rapidly shit. very shit indeed. which was a shame as it would have been nice if work had been nice today seeing as it is my birthday, 30 today. knocking on a bit now, today i start changing my life, for the better.. on the agenda: spend less on everything and dont buy things i dont need just beacause they are shiny. and go on holiday. work less and be happier. lets see how we get on then eh.. ttfn
November 16, 2004 by footnote
work as the usual. after my 8 o`clock finish i helped gary from work by taking some carpets to his new house in marlbourough. as payment he took me out for some food with his girlfriend. good skills, their new house will be nice once done up. well i have only just got in and being half eleven tis time for me bed. ttfn.
November 15, 2004 by footnote
sunday was very busy at work, was meant to finish at four, was still there gone six o`clock. monday today was equally shit.. got some more dvd`s from those postal dvd people today, just watched shaun of the dead, was ok, not as good as i hoped though. quite tired, not much has happened to report to be honest, gonna bugger off and sleep now. nighty night.
November 13, 2004 by footnote
yo hello, yesterday my friend i know from school came over for the evening, havent seen him in a while, which is a shame as i`ve known him for 25 years of my 29 year old life. i griddled some fresh marinaded swordfish and served it with fresh crisp yelllow and green beans, juicy slices of tomato ontop of a bed of rich tomato spicey cous cous.. washed down with a pleasant north eastern italian white wine.. was rather nice i must say, then with the pleasantries of dinner done we bummed...
November 11, 2004 by footnote
well clearly i went to work as per the norm... work was same as nornal. ie a bit crap. cooked some cod and served with yellow and green thin trimmed beans with some juicy red tomatos, the layout and the colour looked ace, bloody gonna practice that dish to perfection.. just watching last action hero.. yawn tedium. ttfn.
November 10, 2004 by footnote
last night i watched van helsing on dvd courtesy of my new rent by mail dvd rental people. mmmmmmm forgot how good my home theatre sound system was, enjoyable.. makes average films good and good films great. today on my day off i did a bit of paperwork for work, then did some cleaning around the flat. then popped into work and fixed the heating that was not working. then pootled off to avebury and silbury hill.. took some pictures, was a bit of a dissapointment from the ground t...
November 8, 2004 by footnote
well clearly i was at work, but mainly as a taxi driver role. during this driving about i discovered that Avebury and silbury hill are a mere 15 minutes away. for those not in the uk and for those that are but not very learned: Link check it, i`ll be there on my day off. yesterday i joined a dvd rental by post club thing, 3 have been posted today, i`ll be getting them tomorrow, good job too seeing as i have a shiny 5:1 surround entertianment system that i have hardly used. the...
November 7, 2004 by footnote
i bought a cd today, best of sting/the police. it owns.
November 7, 2004 by footnote
stayed in bed till late, had a fiddle, went shopping, bought some nice food, some duck, tuna steaks, salmon, gonna have some good cooking the next few days. watching star gate now.. think it was nice to be off work and have no stress, maybe a day away would have been better but circumstances being what they are, thats not an easy option.. anyway, moff.
November 7, 2004 by footnote
blimey two days off this week, can't be bad. sat in bed right now, not sure what to do, the weather is overcast so not sure about going anywhere for the day, but not convinced that staying in bed all day is the way forward either. hurt my hand the other day showing off to a girl at work... bit bruised and swollen, that will teach me!! i`ll report back later as to what i did do today...
November 3, 2004 by footnote
well i stayed in bed pretty much most of it, wanked myself blind and then went shopping. currently i have eaten a big fuck off curry that was soooo large i nearly exploded, then like a true glutton i ate some strawberry cheesecake and am swilling it down with a black coffee. i think i shall be ill, ace. so in all bugger all was done except wank and shop, good shop though, lotsa treats and sweets and the like. brain full of food, not working , going now to bloat..