Things that i choose to make public..
footnote's Articles In Life Journals » Page 2
November 3, 2004 by footnote
well so far nothing, i woke up at 10am, mmmmmm a nice lie in, sleep is good. i have bummed about on the net all day, still sat in bed, not sure what to do with the afternoon.. may go shopping in a few mins. i`ll report back later!!
October 31, 2004 by footnote
yeah, work again today, only 7.5 hours today though, granted it should have been only 6 hours but hey. work tomorrow, and tuesday too, at least i have wednesday off. not sure what to do, obvious options are to ensure that i make the most of my time off and do something i enjoy, the only trouble being that as i am new in town i have no mates here to do anything with, and even if i did they would be at work during the day.. so the chances are i will sleep away most of the day instead. l...
October 30, 2004 by footnote
fucking knackered, tired, headache and cold and lonely. bag `o shite. 6 days in a row at work , no day off yet. work tomorrow too... gonna go sleep now.
October 27, 2004 by footnote
well yesterday i finished work at half nine in the evening, was very tired and as a result i never made it here to write any tosh. today which should have been my day off i was surprise surprise in work, still undecided as to if the new manager will be able to cope with all the stores inherent problems, only time will tell on that front i guess. my gums feel tight. just watching the bodyguard on the old box, nothing else to report as yet, another dull day. i fancy a good fuck too, a...
October 25, 2004 by footnote
guess what??!?! yep i went to work, were some roadworks going on which meant due to workman ineptitude i had to cut through a coned area to get there, as per usual work was crappy. the regional manager is down tomorrow so i will have a moan with him about the place. only just got home, too tired to cook so i have bought a shitty microwave curry meal thing. not yet sure whats on telly, oh yeah had a cheeky grin and a smile from the checkout girl at sainsbury`s, she was easy on the...
October 24, 2004 by footnote
still feeling shite, had a chat with my ex earlier, that just frustrated me and upset me. telly is arse, weather is shite.
October 24, 2004 by footnote
Well, as per usual i got up, had a wank then a shower, did some housework, mopping the bathroom and kitchen and such. went shopping and bought some new cushions and food and what not. bummed around in the chat rooms for a bit, but today i guess i was not in the mood, found the people in there to be annoying, feeling a bit low today, i feel that i am just existing as opposed to living, maybe i need something to spur me on, some sort of inspiration. bit low, see how i feel later on.
October 23, 2004 by footnote
Well, as per normal i was at work.. 7pm and i have just got home after helping Amy to sort her wardrobe out for her date tonight, she had a skirt on today with a slit all the way up it, was easy on the eye to be fair, thats not what she is wearing tonight though.. home now, watching shite telly, day off tomorrow not sure what to do with it, if the weather stays as it is i will probably stay in. anyway, off now to have a cuppa tea and some food.
October 22, 2004 by footnote
Hello, just got in from another tiring day at work, a nice twelve hour stint, really can`t be arsed to cook anything so pizza it is, mmmmmmm cajun flaovoured. put some washing on, gonna watch some shite telly, and have a nice early night, work again tomorrow, not sure yet if i'm going to take the sunday off or not.. oh well, i can hear my pizza calling, be back later y`all.
October 21, 2004 by footnote
Hello, if you have come from my webpage then thanks for taking the time to get here. If you are reading from joeuser without having seen my webby, please feel free to ask for the address. Well today i did my 12 hours at work, it was an average day, very tired though. Dinner comprised of chicken soup and six bread rolls, the main course (as such) being haddock fishcakes, various vegetables and a cheese sauce. All in all rather dull, had i started this blog yesterday i could have de...