Things that i choose to make public..
what i did and stuff
Published on November 13, 2004 By footnote In Life Journals
yo hello, yesterday my friend i know from school came over for the evening, havent seen him in a while, which is a shame as i`ve known him for 25 years of my 29 year old life.

i griddled some fresh marinaded swordfish and served it with fresh crisp yelllow and green beans, juicy slices of tomato ontop of a bed of rich tomato spicey cous cous..
washed down with a pleasant north eastern italian white wine..

was rather nice i must say, then with the pleasantries of dinner done we bummed about being daft all night.
alas my ex took away her spare duvet which meant he had to make do with some sheets and cotton throws and the heater on in the guest bedroom.

so tonight on my way i home i purchased a new duvet.
being rather tired i have ordered a pizza for tonight, took ages to get here but it was very nice, bat fastard that i am..

now im supping tea and contemplating my navel.

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