Things that i choose to make public..
cracks in the surface.
Published on November 25, 2004 By footnote In Life Journals
well tuesday night was odd, i had a bit of a breakdown.
i spent ages sobbing my heart out.
work has gotten so bad that it reduced me to tears, i feel incredibaly depressed and fail to see how work can improve.
thank heavens i had wednesday off, all i did was sleep, whilst asleep the worries of the world are kept at bay.

today being thursday was as bad, my regional manager gave me a bollocking because i had my day off!!!
i have registered on the net with a few places to look for a new job, i simply cant go on working for a company that does not give two shits about its staff, when the regional manager says i am not committed enough he can stick the 60-80 hours a week i do up his arse, i shouldnt have had my day off indeed.

anyway, time to sleep as i have a another early start.

oh yeah 2 of the other members of staff are looking elsewhere now.

sooner i get away from there the better.

on Nov 25, 2004
I hope you get a better job soon.